Monday, July 27, 2015

Following Elder Ballard's Counsel

Sister Ellsworth and I are very happy to report that we have seen bounteous amounts of miracles this last week. The Lord is definitely guiding this work. I am so grateful to be here!

Our investigators are doing really well. Many of them are still going back to the mainland, but I hope and believe that when they return home they will be ready to learn more.

Sister Ellsworth and I have made it a goal to follow the guidance Elder Ballard gave to us back in March when he came. He counseled us to speak to ten people every day (outside of normal teaching and finding like while traveling or eating or whatever), to teach a full lesson every day (to an investigator but if not possible than to a member), and to ask for referrals from everyone. So far, it has worked extremely well! We had many miracle lessons and met many wonderful people this week and I truly believe that the Lord has blessed us because of our effort to do what we have been counseled to do. Here's just one example from this week:

Yesterday, we had no scheduled lessons. We decided that our goal at church would be to schedule a member to visit that evening. We were unsuccessful. We returned home a bit disappointed because we really wanted to teach a full lesson and do as Elder Ballard taught. Then, while eating lunch we got a call from a senior missionary couple inviting us over to their home so that we could help them teach a family that lives in the same apartment complex as them. Sister Ellsworth and I were so excited! Heavenly Father had answered our prayers and prepared a way for us to do what we desired to do. Also, after that lesson we were in the elevator with a woman and her daughter. We spoke to them as we went down the elevator and walked outside. Right as we walked outside a huge downpour came out of nowhere and so the four of us had to sprint to cover. And then we had a really nice opportunity to talk more with them and get their contact info while we waited for the rain to pass.

Speaking of church .... church yesterday was awesome:
1) Sister Ellsworth spoke in sacrament meeting. It was her first talk and she did so good!!
2) We taught relief society! It was fun! We taught about charity.
3) And this was crazy: The second speaker in sacrament meeting (after Sister Ellsworth) was one of our YSA members. He started by telling the story of how he joined the church a few years ago and then talked about the blessings he has received since then. At one point he started talking about how his girlfriend was one of those blessings - and then he left the pulpit (I thought he like wanted to read a scripture or something but had forgotten his scriptures and was going to get them....), walks to the back of the chapel, kneels down and PROPOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the middle of his talk!!!!!!!!! And then he ran back up to the pulpit and said "feng Yesu Jidu de ming, amen" (in the name of Jesus Christ amen).

I love Hong Kong!!!  

This is our MTC Branch President's wife - she was in Hong Kong on business.  So cool!

The food is deeeelicious!!!!

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