Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Finding is Fun

This week was an excellent week of finding! Every day that we went out finding we somehow managed to meet the nicest and awesomest people ever! I know that the Lord is guiding us in his work and leading us to those who are ready to receive this glad message! Here are just some examples from this week:

On Friday we were out finding at Quarry Bay and we met the nicest girls. They were both students and were just so great. We just said hi and ended up talking to them for a while. They thought we were so cool for being on missions and were so interested in learning more about Christ, both of them already being faithful Christians! They said so many things that were just asking for the gospel like "Yeah, it makes sense that we would have a prophet" and "Oh yeah, I've walked by the church and always wanted to go inside" and "Yeah, people are really starting to like follow worldly standards for everything and it's terrible" (I summarized but you get the main idea). We gave them each a Book of Mormon (thank heavens we had extra copies on us!). They were both so excited!

Last night it was freezing cold (....like 50degrees...) and pouring rain, but we were still out finding. Sister Tse and I were actually kind of spacing out for a second when a man shouted at us from across the pavement (insert British accent) "Hey can I buy an umbrella off ya?" We were both like "huh?" and then he walked over to us and was like "I'm only joking. Can i help you two? You look a bit lost?" (and I'm sure we did look lost just standing in the rain....) But we said "Oh no we aren't lost - we are actually missionaries....." He was really interested. We gave him a Book of Mormon and taught him a bit. It was only after getting his business card that we realized he was a fancy VP of some big company. But I am so grateful that we were able to meet him. I truly believe that the spirit led us to Hong Kong park (even in the rain when it was unlikely that anyone would want to talk to us) and that he (whether he knew it or not) was inspired to talk to us! 

The Virginia Hotel ... just like home!
Another great story from this week:  A couple weeks ago some of the Cantonese sisters called us and said that one of their member's mother would be coming from mainland to live with her and that this member wants us to teach her mother. We were like cool sounds great, and so we went. The first lesson with them was alright....her mother didn't say much and it was pretty obvious that she was only meeting with us to please her daughter. She also has zero Christian background so everything was very, very new to her and a bit hard for her to understand and accept. But, we met with her again this last Saturday and something happened during the lesson and she was totally able to open up! It was amazing! And then ... she came to church on Sunday and told us that she had prayed!!!!!!! She was so different! So much happier and peppier than she was when we first met her. At the end of church, much to the surprise of us and her daughter, she was up talking to people on her own! We are so excited for her, and it is so awesome to see how happy her daughter is that her mother is learning about Christ too! I am so excited for the both of them!

So yes, this week has been excellent! And today we went to the temple! It is a wonderful place! I love being a missionary!

Our matching cat sweaters!

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